3DWorld (252/293)

Date:26 Apr 2000 at 19:15:10
Subject:Re: monitor errors

Hello Fredrik

On 26-Apr-00, Fredrik Nilsson wrote:
> Hello David
> I get an average of about 15-17 fps with timerefresh on my BPPC @ 200MHz.
> I walked around on the first level and did about 10 test on serval places
> around that level.
> There is about 9 fps on some places and about 25 fps (small rooms) on other
> places.
> Oh.. the screenmode is 512x384 =)

Then it is great!!! In this resolution GLQuake runs very well, looks like the same as
in Heretic2 :)) Can't wait to try demo :) (my mate is now trying to download


D.J.Nick | D-Tronic, Sindjeliceva 11/8, 14000 Valjevo, Serbia (YU)

Tel: +381 (0) 14 223 655 Email: DJNick@ptt.yu ICQ: 13794052


Amiga1200T PPC 603e 166mhz 060/50, BlizzardVision 8MB,

64MB; 5.1 & 1.1GB HDs; Sony 12X CDRom; 33.6K modem;

17" DTK mon; MIDI; Prelude1200 soundcard; HP 6L printer